Critical Care Meals
Enteral Feeding Program for Ill Horses

Critical Care Meals: Part 1Critical Care Meals: Part 2Critical Care Meals: Part 3Critical Care Meals: Part 4

Enteral nutrition is often required by horses experiencing severe disease. It has been well established that it is possible to provide nutrition in the form of slurry feeds through nasogastric or esophagostomy tubes. By customizing critical care meals for an enteral feeding program, practitioners can target specific requirements and metabolic conditions. Customization may improve the long-term prognosis for recovery and can be done both simply and cost effectively.

Product Objective:

This 4-PART PRODUCT was designed over the last few years to make tube feeding faster, easier, more consistent, and drastically more effective. It has been specifically used with post-surgical recovery, colic, problem foals, and a variety of other conditions.

We chose to leave this as four individual parts to give you greater flexibility in the dosage, usage of the product, and the purpose certain parts are being used in higher or lower doses than other parts.

Go to Product Details for more specific information.

"I use MD's Choice's Critical Care Meals on foals with diarrhea, to keep the caloric intake up. When they are stronger, which this product helps them become, they respond to therapy, which helps them get over a variety of sicknesses much quicker. It is used to keep the strength up, to keep them eating, to help maintain their digestive functions. It goes through a tube easily, and is conveniently packaged to use in the field when needed. I use it on ALL foals that are getting antibiotic therapy. As for the adults, I regularly use it on horses with colitis and anteriorenteritis. Again, MD's Choice is offering a one of a kind product, and considering what it does easier, faster, and better than anything else, it is priced very reasonably."

Dr. John Bennett, DVM
Resident Veterinarian
Lytle Creek Breeding Farm
Murfreesboro, TN

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